How to get your Sri Lanka driving permit

When you rent a Scooter, Tuk Tuk or Car with us, we offer you to organize the Sri Lanka Driving Permit. You need the permit to drive a vehicle in Sri Lanka. Here you will find all informations you need to know.

We offer to arrange the permit before your arrival. So you can start directly after landing without waiting or go to the motorcycle office by yourself.


  1. Copy of the international driving licence or your home country driving licence. If it is written in a language we can’t read (e.g. chinese or russian) we need a translation. International driving licence is prefered.
  2. Copy of your passport
  3. A passport photo or self portrait (just the head). It is used for the permit


Please send the documents to Shiran with WhatsApp. That is the best way he can process with it or give you a quick answer if everything is good.

When you need 2 driving permits please provide the photos separately. That means copies of the first person (passport photo, driving licence, passport) in one message and the copies of the second person in another. So we are sure not to mix it up, especially the backsides.

Number: +94 77 261 8999

If you don’t have WhatsApp please send a mail to


The price for organizing the driving permit is 50 USD / permit. If we should organize it before your arrival please pay upfront with Paypal or Bank transfer. Ask us to get the details.

If we should organize it after your arrival, you can pay cash in USD or Sri Lankan Rupee.


You will get your driving permit when you pick up the scooter, Tuk Tuk or Car.